Senin, 30 November 2009



Sharing kumpulan SMS Ucapan Selamat Hari Natal nih. SMS Natal yang keren, romantis dan terbaru. Bisa buat kirim ke temen, saudara, pacar. Klo ada yang punya koleksi SMS Natal 2009 lainnya, boleh ditambahin aja disini.
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Life can give U a hundred reason 2 cry,
but Jesus can give life a thousand reason 2…
( ^ _, ^ )
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Merry Xma$..
“May the light of X’mas that comes, wipe all the darkness and sadness away, and bringing joy, hope, love and happiness”.
Have a very blesssed X’mas….
Today 24 dec, tomorrow 25 dec.
Days are so fast! so i wanna be the 1st 2 say “MERRY CHRISTMAS”
Do u know what Christmas is? It’s Simple : Christ Has Risen In Spite The Most AdverseSacrifices, have a great Christmas..
Faith makes all things possible,
Hope makes all things work,
Love makes all things beautiful,
May you have all the three for this Christmas.
Be a candle. Be a light. Be a twinkle in the dark. Be an inspiration & make a big difference in other’s heart! Merry Christmas.
May the good times n treasures of present bcome the golden memories of tomorrow. Wish u lots of love, joy, happiness. Merry x-mas.
Merry Christmas!
Hope Jesus’ Love & Peace Always Be With U ‘n Family Through This Wonderful Xmas ~

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